Signs of a happy family
Photo: Ann Danilina on Unsplash

Signs of a happy family

2021, Dec 03    

A family has to have certain traits to be called a happy family.

A family is comprised of various individuals each with their own identities. Commitment towards the individual members is of utmost importance. A sense of commitment and understanding between partners and mutual respect for each other lay a solid foundation for a happy family life. Good communication creates a sense of belonging and reduces frustrations and enhances marital relations. When children come along, raising them is not the responsibility of one parent. When a child has both parents, both should be committed to bringing up the child, giving the newborn a happy, secured life. A child can be mentally secured and happy when he or she finds the parents compatible with each other, their love and commitment towards each other.

As children grow up some parents set down certain rules for the family. For example, having a meal together at a certain time. This is usually dinner time when all the family members are home. Children going out with friends for playing, studying together or just hanging out are expected to be back by a certain time and sit down for a meal. Some families also have a routine of going out on certain weekends and having dinner outside. Such practices strengthen the bond between each member. These are just examples followed by certain families that ties the members together. These do not mean that families cannot remain happy in other ways. Happy families stay together when coping with a crisis or stress and support each other.

Healthy food and nourishment are required by all the members and in many families each individual is aware of the health of the others. Maintaining an active lifestyle, trying to be stress free through different activities like yoga, meditation, music or pursuing other hobbies help calm the mind and bring peace and harmony in the family.

As children grow up, they have a world of their own with friends and colleagues. Parents should be mature and understanding enough to realize that their children are separate individuals with demands and requirements of their own. Children on the other hand should also not take parents for granted, have respect for their feelings and emotions and devote time to them from their busy lives.

In patriarchal families it is very common for husbands to take their wives, especially who are housewives and don’t earn for the family, for granted. They are expected to spend all day doing housework, from cooking and cleaning, looking after their kids without having their dreams and aspirations being fulfilled. Millions of women spend their lives doing such without complaint. They try to maintain family peace and harmony but by suppressing their talents, dreams and goals they slowly die inside.

In a happy family, everybody should have a sense of belonging, freedom, be appreciated and express their love for each other.

A family can also be happy where there is a single parent. A single mother or father can also bring happiness to their lives and the lives of their children. By loving oneself and children a single parent can create a happy healthy family relationship, stay happy and keep others happy.