Photo: Bermix Studio on Unsplash


2021, Jul 02    

As a toddler is of 3 or 4 he or she is considered a Preschooler whether one is attending preschool or not. No longer is the child a toddler. A preschooler is different from a toddler because by now the child develops basic life skills, knowledge and becomes more independent. The world outside gradually opens up and he or she explores more and becomes inquisitive about the things and people around him or her.

The child’s interaction with parents and other family members helps develop his or her personality, own thought process and behaviour. A child attending a pre-school or day care at this stage starts interacting with other kids and adult members like Teachers, other caregivers of the preschool and parents of other kids. So, we can say that now the preschooler is an active member of the society.

By now most children develop speech skills , love to play with other kids, follow instructions and learn to behave at home or outside. The child at this stage can express his or her needs, is toilet trained and learns to dress and undress, feed himself or herself. The child should by now start asking questions about anything that attracts his or her attention.

By the age of 3, a child’s brain is fully developed to learn and remember rhymes, parts of stories, understand and enjoy music and animations on the television. The child also develops the gross motor skills to pedal a tricycle. By the age of 4 a child should articulate well enough to be understood.

Although different children develop at their own pace, the more care and attention the child gets from parents and family, the faster and easier it will be to adjust to the immediate society that has opened up for him or her. A child of 3 to 5 is very much aware of his or her needs and desires and also behaves accordingly when they are met or not met with.
