Different Parenting styles
Photo: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Different Parenting styles

2021, Jun 16    

Parents shape the character and personality of a child. The way he or she behaves in a social group, his or her personality all depend on what style of parenting had been chosen to raise the child

The personality and attitude of parents mould the behavioral pattern and personality of the child.

1. Authoritarian Parenting

As the word indicates, Authoritarian Parents are responsive but believe on imposing authority on their children without any exception. They are strict disciplinarians relying on strict and also physical punishments. The child has to act according to the wishes of their parents.

2. Authoritative Parenting

These parents are responsive and demanding. They are firm but discipline with love and affection. They are sensitive to the feelings of the child but make sure that they are ultimately in charge. They impose positive discipline and indulge in praise and rewards. This style of parenting is most beneficial to the child.

3. Permissive Parenting

These parents are too lenient and give in to every demand of the child and have few expectations from the child. They act only upon very serious issues and are generally don’t put in too much effort in controlling their child’s behaviour.

4. Uninvolved Parenting

These parents are neither responsive nor demanding. They do not put any effort in bringing up the child. They are generally negligent and have little knowledge about the needs of the child.

Behavioral pattern of children with different parenting styles

Children treated routinely by Authoritarian parents tend to be moody, unhappy, fearful, withdrawn, unspontaneous and irritable.

Children brought up by Authoritative Parents tend to be curious about new situations, focused, skilled at play, self- controlled and cheerful.

Children brought up by Permissive Parents tend to be low in self -esteem, social responsibility and independence but usually more cheerful than those brought up by Authoritarian Parents.

Finally, children of Disengaged parents have a higher portion of psychological difficulties than other youngsters.

The parenting style a parent employs is shaped by various factors namely the parent’s developmental history, education and personality, the child’s behaviour and the immediate broader context of the parent’s life.

Thus, the parent’s behaviour is influenced by such things as work, marriage, family influences likely to affect the child’s behaviour and psychological well-being. Parents from different cultures, social classes and different ethnic group rear their children differently.
