The Parent-Child Relationship in different stages of childhood
Photo: Rajesh Rajput on Unsplash

The Parent-Child Relationship in different stages of childhood

2021, Jun 15    

A happy and secured childhood can be achieved only when a child finds a stress-free family environment. Bringing up a baby is one of the most challenging as well as the most satisfying job one can have.

Dealing with the modern-day pressures, parenting is not easy. A child’s complete development: physical, emotional and social is the outcome of a healthy parent-child relationship. A child needs a happy and secure life to adjust to the society. Emotional well being and a strong bond with the parents help the child to adjust with the other members of the family and the society at large.

Nutritious food, a secure and strong bond with parents will help develop a healthy body and a happy healthy child.

Involvement of parents in the day-to-day activities of the child, making the child feel loved and cared for irrespective of their age, being there to solve their emotional and social problems is of utmost importance. Spending time with the child, giving attention, listening, talking, reading to the child especially at bedtime, and playing with the child, having meals together at least during weekends, going on family outings will secure the bond further.

A healthy parent child relationship will help the child develop positive relationship with other family members, people around them and secure friendships with peers. These children also learn to cope with their emotions and stress easily. They can adjust better in the society and perform better academically. In the upcoming article I will talk about different parenting styles and it’s positive and negative effects on the child’s personality.
