Raising a Preschooler

If we can say toddlerhood as “Terrible Two’s”, then the threes and fours are more challenging for many parents. Around the age of four a...

2 minute read


As a toddler is of 3 or 4 he or she is considered a Preschooler whether one is attending preschool or not. No longer is...

2 minute read

Dealing with the “Terrible Twos”

It is during toddlerhood a child starts asserting the desire for autonomy and this period called the “terrible twos” can stress the parents. What parents...

2 minute read


The most interesting and challenging part of childhood is Toddlerhood. In the infancy stage parents are aware of the child’s behavioral pattern. They know when...

2 minute read

Bonding with your infant

A woman becomes a mother the moment she holds her newborn. The bonding is almost immediate. However, to nurture the bond both parents need to...

2 minute read

Different Parenting styles

Parents shape the character and personality of a child. The way he or she behaves in a social group, his or her personality all depend...

2 minute read

Importance of home and family

Shelter, security, comfort and love for each other is what embodies a home and a family. Home gives us security by protecting us from the...

3 minute read

About the Author

I am Jayita Dasgupta - A home maker, a mother of one adult and one young adult boy. A Post...