Be your child’s first Teacher
Photo: Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Be your child’s first Teacher

2021, Jul 17    

Parents become the child’s first teacher right after the birth of the baby. One is not so called a qualified and formal teacher but whether the parents are aware or not, they become the most influential guides in shaping the child’s personality.

A child grows up by looking at the parents: both the father and mother. Their behaviour, skills, actions all capture the child’s attention and right from the beginning these get imbibed in the personality of the child and is reflected in his or her behaviour. As a result, parents have to be very cautious when they are around the child. Use of proper words, decent behaviour and actions are needed on the part of the parents so that these qualities are instilled in the child’s personality.

Parents need to put in a little effort and time for their child which will mould the personality of the kid right from the beginning.

Communicating as much as possible will improve the child’s speech. Reading along with the child by introducing new words with meanings while reading will enrich his or her vocabulary and will not only increase imaginative power but will also develop speech and vocabulary of the child. Solving puzzles according to the age group of the child is an excellent way to improve concentration and memory of the child and also motivate him or her and develop self-confidence.

Giving small tasks on a regular basis like putting away the toys after playing with the child, throwing his or her dirty clothes in the hamper, switching the lights and taps off, brushing before bed time, help the parent in cleaning his or her room are some instances which will instill discipline, self confidence and give the child a sense of belonging in the family and enrich the parent child bond. It is equally important to listen to the child, encourage in playing with peers so that the child can adapt easily when he or she attends preschool.

Teaching the child to read, learn rhymes, count, identify pictures while reading a story aloud is best done by the parents or either one of them. Making the child aware about the dangers outside home like being cautious while talking to strangers, playing outside and not walking or running on the road, taking precautions when riding a bicycle by wearing a helmet, not swimming unattended by elders is the job of the parents.

A child who is brought up by naturally learning from the parents will find it easy to adjust in a preschool and mingle easily with other children.