Signs of a happy family

A family has to have certain traits to be called a happy family. A family is comprised of various individuals each with their own identities....

3 minute read

Healthy families live a happy life

A family’s happiness largely depends on the health of the individual members including parents and children. In the modern-day busy lifestyle, one tends to ignore...

3 minute read

Intergenerational Relationships

With the changes in society, family relationships have also changed over the years. For centuries families thrived on hierarchy with the eldest members being the...

3 minute read

Happy healthy family from happy marital life

Marriage is a commitment of a lifetime and a relationship that has to be developed and nurtured with care and devotion. A marriage has different...

3 minute read

Parent child relationship during Adulthood

As a child matures into adulthood it’s often difficult for some parents to come to terms with the reality that their child is now a...

2 minute read


Early adolescence marks an important turning point in the life of a child as well as in the parent child relationship. A child’s transition to...

2 minute read

School age

As a child completes Pre school and attends Elementary and then middle School, there will be certain behavioral changes. It is the time the child...

3 minute read

Be your child’s first Teacher

Parents become the child’s first teacher right after the birth of the baby. One is not so called a qualified and formal teacher but whether...

2 minute read

About the Author

I am Jayita Dasgupta - A home maker, a mother of one adult and one young adult boy. A Post...